One of the best tokens of love I’ve received in my life came from a dear colleague and friend when I was leaving school to deliver my third child. It’s displayed in my living room on the wall cabinet and today I thought of sharing this immensely creative and thoughtful gesture that always reminds me of counting my blessings!
All the items were placed in a box labelled “The Parental Survival Kit”. Each item was tagged and the short phrases attached reflected upon some really important changes that would follow.
“The Job Profile”
Truly every mother will agree that it is a 24/7 job!
Elastic Bands!
I just love this one! Parents realize quite soon that rigidity won’t get them anywhere with their children. Flexibility in views, opinions and acceptance of changing times quite appropriately defines “Progressive Parents!”
A Pack of Erasers!
This is a really important tool for me as I always find it really hard to disconnect with a sour incident and move on. With children, we can’t hold on to argumentative moods, nagging sessions and sour behaviours. It is imperative that we erase the bad memories and experiences and start the day with renewed hope and faith in each other. "Forgiving Parents!"
The Skittles Pack!
A sweet reminder of diversity that comes together in a home with many children. All my sons are quite different in nature and personality. I therefore understand that my plans for their happy existence in the house would have to be just as diverse! "Accepting Parents!'
A Box of Cotton Balls!
I think I use this tool the most! With such intense energies shuttling through the corridors of the house, I need a few moments to make sense of what is happening! "Reflecting Parents!"
A Velcro Wrist Band!
This justifiably explains moments of utter chaos when nothing seems to be going your way! A time that we as parents dread! The frustration that we feel at witnessing our efforts going down the drain. At such times, it is but necessary to hold onto each other with a firm grip to be able to keep the focus and help our children come through with flying colours!
"Responsible Parents!"
A Pack of Nuts!
What a super idea! Honestly, with children it is just not possible for us as parents to function day and night with the same level of sanity and reasoning power! There must be times when we are able to peel off the Parental cover and surprise our children with our ability to laugh at ourselves! "Humorous Parents!"
A Piece of Rope!
We all need this one! No amount of experience in Parenting can promise you a smooth journey or a battle won. I have often found myself hanging onto the edge struggling for some help. This extra piece of rope can be your partner or a friend. Either ways, it’s safer and reassuring to have someone to help you in times of need and pull you out of your misery! "Ego-less Parents!"
A Strip of Band Aid!
No matter how much space we allow our kids to move on in life, there are always expectations attached. These maybe visible or spring up suddenly at some odd hour. It’s not necessary that our children react at such times with the same enthusiasm that we expect them to. There are always moments of hurt that parents encounter and at such times, it’s much wiser to cover the wounds and move on! "Wise Parents!"
A Pack of Candles!
Oh Yes! No parent can find his way to successful Parenting while opting to struggle in the dark. A good parent is a hopeful parent. One that brings up his/her child in optimistic and enlightened surroundings! "Dependable Parents!"
Two Panadols!
I always laugh at this one! Surely when all else fails, we just need to take two and dose off! "Surviving Parents!"
Do Not Disturb Door Hanger!
Oh dear! I still need to use that one! Mommies probably get to use this not too frequently but it should be a part of the kit because it reminds your children to also look at you as an individual who needs time and space to grow as well! "Independent Parents!"
A Jig-Saw Puzzle Piece!
Truly innovative! Surely our children are independent individuals with plans for their lives. However, the picture remains incomplete till we all don’t fit into the master grid. As a mum, I am a significant contributor to my child’s life. If I detach myself from his life and existence, he will surely go astray! I am an important resource for him to explore and learn from. "Educated Parents!"
I leave this one completely to the viewer's imagination! God knows what she wanted to tell me here!!!!!
Ninoshka Fernandes gifted and prepared me for the most beautiful moments of my life. Now that’s what I call a ‘true friend!’ Thanks Nino and I love you always!
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The best Influence on my child! |
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