Monday, December 22, 2014

Insearch Of Reasons, Light And Faith #HopeForPeshawer

There couldn’t be a worse example of ignorance as the #PeshawerAttack. And though it was a stark eye opener to what is going wrong with our world today, it was also a doleful reminder of how far we have all come from losing a sense of belonging and oneness as a people.

Sadly, we experience unity and one mindedness only when confronted with such irreplaceable loss. We are angered today at the gruesome reality of the act which is symbolical to our everyday attitudes that reflect intolerance and rigidity of thoughts.

Though education is a far priority in our society and government’s ‘to do list’, it is the only counter strategy to win this war against terrorism. Our suffering has been on going and there seems to be no end to it because even today our political gains take precedence over all pressing issues.

Therefore, many independent institutions, organizations and individuals have taken upon themselves, this daunting task of uniting the people as a nation, to spread the message of tolerance and to find solutions to this ever growing epidemic of bigotry. This divide between the haves and have-nots needs to be bridged to build the lost trust and faith in each other. These are the true well-wishers of our country. The real face of empathy and believers of the one religion that unites us all as a people, “A living conscience”.

In this scenario, educational institutions play a pivotal role in molding the young minds with a renewed sense of togetherness as humans and acceptance of people as different. The character development must now be given an equal weightage in our institutions as part of our academics. This state of emergency needs to be realized and acted upon with vigilance. And even though some people might argue insisting that grooming is a part of the education institutions, there are very few, if any, that provide students with application platforms to exercise this compassion and ability to debate.

As a teacher, my greatest challenge is to develop in my children, the ability to figure out the abstract, to make reason with the intangible, to read between the lines or look beyond the obvious. It may appear quite simple to teach children to be thankful, but to witness them practicing this trait requires consistency in faith and the willingness to try different ways to follow through successfully. It requires the teacher to discard the hypocrisy and set a living example that his/her students could make connections to. The abstract needs the concrete to make sense to them.

Denial, another factor that misleads children to carry the legacy of hate and holding supreme opinions, needs to be dealt with. Investigating ideas, views and formulating opinions based on facts is an integral skill that we need to emphasize on in not just schools, but as parents. Problem solving and finding solutions is the only way forward. Communication, speaking or listening, is a dual carriage that holds meaning and is effective only when the opinions are backed by logic and the listening experience isn’t a passive one. We need to create awareness on the possibility of deadlocks, inconclusive arguments and agreements on disagreements.

In this whole argument, I find it but pressing to bring to your notice that every day, we are introduced to some new gadget or techno tool that can help our children learn faster and make him/her smarter. And as an educationist, I find technology a strong and supportive plan to follow through. However, my fears are manifested in the loss of the ‘human connection’ that is necessary to the emotional well-being of our children. We are already at a loss of spending quality time with them which is necessary to their understanding of relationships and the skills needed to maintain those relationships. The ability to say sorry, to express love and to thank one another because we observe and acknowledge the time and effort put into each relationship.

The #Peshawer incident is clearly a sad depiction of anger, spitefulness and darkness that came through with a force and targeted the very heart of life, aiming to kill the hope and submit to death and pain.

This darkness, gloom and aversion is not an absent human trait. It is present in each one of us. ‘Nafs’ or controlling the soul is a practice that further endorses the presence of this negative power within us. And therefore, the conclusion that arises from this discussion is that education enlightens the mind. We might fall a victim to this loathing if we stop believing in the power of books, faith and light. Teaching is a great responsibility and an ever demanding commitment in the world today.

As a mother, I feel devoid of any understanding of the brutal murder of so many innocent children. I place myself many times in place of these shattered mothers who would never be able to reconcile with the idea of losing their children to this inhuman act. To now find reason to their lives and solace to the heart.

As a teacher, or school, I would invite them to walk into ‘The Army Public School’ and teach alongside those brave teachers to find a strong purpose in life. I would support them by surrounding them with the positive energy of children who would still demand their love, compassion and understanding. The connection with their children will come through stronger with hope for the many that will return soon, in search of reasons, light and faith.