Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Environment Conservation and a Generation of Thinking Children
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Trust Your Silence
This article is for all those brave souls who venture in their work place to walk the talk. The ones who do the right thing, because it is the right thing to do. The rare breed that dwells in possibilities, despite the nauseating negativity. The few, who are always ready to walk that extra mile to make a difference. For the ones who are driven and united in their conscience. To the team of believers.
Believers as I call them, face innumerable trials because of their transparency. That is one trait that is often exploited by the many around them who like to keep their plans undercover because that is the right way to move up the ladder, as per their conception. The right move, at the right time. Often, surprises await our naïve believers who cannot fathom anyone having the time or desire to scheme or plot a sequence of events to undermine their hard work. Their clarity and lucidity are compromised many a times by colleagues to meet personal and work place political agendas.
A work place with believers is also a happening hub because it is run by fierce opinions and loud expression. Often believers are selflessly sharing and you would always find them engaged in debates and discussions, looking for solutions. This makes them stand out. Their ideas bring success. The limelight and center-stage are second nature to their existence. Therefore, sometimes when their confidence and conviction is tagged as negative or bullyish, they fail to comprehend the argument that never cropped up in an open forum or reached out to a panel of discussion. They are communicators always ready to talk. The selfless believers being labeled selfish is another ordeal they are pushed to counter.
Moving on to another unwanted challenge that our believers battle with, circles around the crowd that is often looking for relief and escape from the competitive environment that they are working in. Creating comparison between two completely different individuals. Diverse in their roles, personalities and productivity. Promoting one against the other with the aim to trigger the importance of their own wellbeing, and setting the stage for a veto. Here, the believer, despite understanding the careful distribution of chaos, fails to combat the undue equation because he/she believes that the success indicators aren’t governed by personal choices or an individual’s popularity graph. That pleasing the crowd at all cost isn’t the objective of being an effective leader. Therefore, the failure to bend often breaks our believer who isn’t a politician in spirit and doesn’t have the patience for games at work.
Also, all believers I believe are ethical professionals. You will never find them crossing lines or undermining the hierarchy at their work place. They are defined by their roles and respect the jurisdiction of every appointment and position. Therefore, they do not believe themselves to be the solution to every problem. They are comfortable to share their advice and guidance, but always refer or move the problem to the concerned person or department. Here, again, they are faced with queer expectations and behaviors. Their empathy and compassion are put to question often with competitive colleagues trying to construe a new leadership model. One where the leader is responsible for each and every need of his/her team. One who must feel the responsibility to find a psychological, emotional, technological or any other scientifically imaginable solution for his team. Where every solution is found in one room. And there is no need to follow channels and seek professional help. The believers find themselves being targeted once again while their competitors get busy exemplifying themselves as approachable and creative counselors. Convenience and likability are favored over skilled profiles and specific qualification. Hence, unethical comrades become a daily bother and obstacles to the smooth functionality at work.
Conclusively I believe many reading this article might suggest that the believers really need to learn from their experiences and add more flexibility to their profiles. That being discreet can help at work, and learning the tricks to endure a competitive environment are integral to survival and success at work. All these pointers come across as logical and coherent.
However, despite the foolish transparency, selfish conviction, unpopular choices, and inconvenient ethics, every believer brings hope and opportunities for growth. The transparency sets clear goals, followed by a strong conviction that no matter how difficult the path, a strong team of skilled experts would be able to find triumph and victory.
And so, for all those people who face cunning secrecy at work, who are challenged by conspirators maligning their strengths as obstacles to everyone’s wellbeing, who witness political strategists creating unfair rivalry and contrasts to bring them down, as well as those popular actors with no professional profiles, know that you are making a big difference by being who you are. Stay united with your conscience and your community of believers. When disappointed, distressed or disheartened, trust your silence. Your peace with self, that voice within, will keep you moving.